The 2001 animated classic Monster, Inc is one of the most cherished releases from Pixar! Melding fantasy into a warm story of friendship, the story follows Sully and Mike, two of top scarers of Monsters Incorporated, a sprawling scare factory that fuels the monster world! Yet when they are bested by a small child named Boo, the friends have their lives turned upside when they have to race against time to save the human worlds children! Beast Kingdoms Mini Egg Attack range of miniature figurines are back with set of popular characters from the Monster, Inc movie! With a total of six characters to collect, each mini figurine is manufactured and painted to the highest standard. Collect all six of the MEA-039 Monsters, Inc series. and get bonus of Boos door! Grab them all and bring some cut, yet scary monsters to a desk near you!
Number of Pieces: 1
Weight: .15 pounds
Maximum Height: 4.25 inches
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Material: PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
Battery: No Battery Used